Pinoy Scientists, Pathways to Science
Pinoy Scientists

From a powerful supercomputer to humble pen and paper, the tools of a scientist’s trade can be anything and everything in this day and age.

To explore the many exciting pathways available to those seeking to pursue a career in STEM, Pinoy Scientists is hosting a two-part panel discussion titled “P.S. Pathways to Science.” The event will take place on August 26, 2023 at 9:00 AM (PHT), and is a celebration of both the initiative’s fourth anniversary and the diversity of scientists that have been featured on the platform.  

Since 2019, Pinoy Scientists have been showcasing the extraordinary lives of Filipino scientists through weekly takeovers on Instagram and Facebook, allowing them to share their unique journeys, insights, and accomplishments. Through these stories, Pinoy Scientists ultimately aims to inspire younger generations, foster connections within the scientific community, and empower scientists to share their personal experiences with the world.

The initiative’s upcoming event aims to delve deeper into the wide variety of careers available within the scientific community via a two-part panel discussion that will feature both the academic and alternative career paths of six esteemed Filipino scientists. 

Pinoy Scientists, Pathways to Science

Pinoy scientists in the academe

The first panel, “Passing With Flying Colors: Finding Success in Academic Research,” focuses on the traditional routes of scientists working in the academe or industry. Three prominent scientists from universities found both in and outside the Philippines are set to speak about their journeys navigating through academia.

The panel will feature Dr. Chona VinceCruz-Abeledo, an Associate Professor at the Biology Department at De La Salle University and founder of the online platform SHE-ensya. She will be joined by entomologist Dr. Aimee Lynn Dupo who is currently working as a Professor and researcher at the University of the Philippines Los Banos, where she also curates exhibits in the Museum of Natural History. The panel will be rounded out by Dr. Jerome de Leon, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Tokyo, Japan where he also sits on the country’s Science and Technology Advisory Council. 

Alternative paths in STEM

Moving away from the laboratory, the second panel “The Road Less Traveled: Alternative Paths in STEM” will discuss how some scientists may choose a less traditional route in STEM.

The panel will feature a diverse team of Pinoy Scientists, starting with Dr. Matthew Go, a forensic anthropologist working with the Department of Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency in the U.S. and a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Anthropology. Delving into the intersection of science, economics, and education will be Ms. Tara Abrina, an environmental economist affiliated with the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies and Community Science Educator with Kapit Sisid. The final speaker will be Ms. Aissa Domingo, an artist and photographer at the Zoology Division at the National Museum of the Philippines, where she led the reconstructive painting of the replica and taxidermy specimen of “Lolong,” a famous giant crocodile.

How to register

P.S. Pathways to Science invites individuals from all walks of life to join in the enriching panel discussions with #PinoyScientists. Whether you’re a student considering a future in science or a seasoned professional looking to explore new avenues, this event promises to be an enriching experience. Event registration is currently open at

For more updates, Pinoy Scientists can be found on Instagram and Facebook at @pinoyscientists or on Substack for their monthly newsletter at—MF/Press release c/o Pinoy Scientists

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